Anonymous 01:05
A hacked Mountain Lion disc image. The h@cking group Olarila has put a great installation ISO together, and you can find it by searching Google.
The HackBoot 1 and HackBoot 2 ISO files. These will help you boot into the installation.
MultiBeast 4, which will help you get audio and other things working correctly after installation. You’ll need to register for a free account over at to download this. Make sure to download MultiBeast 4 — it’s labelled “Lion”, but for our purposes the Lion version works better than the Mountain Lion version.
Step 1: Install and Set Up VirtualBox
Before we install OS X, we’ll need to set up VirtualBox so the OS X install disc can boot correctly. Here’s what you need to do:
1. Start up VirtualBox and click the New button. Give your new virtual machine a name (I just called it “Mac OS X”) and set the operating system to “Mac OS X Server (64-bit)”.

2. Click Next and choose how much RAM to give your virtual machine. This depends on how much RAM is in your system — you can get away with 2GB, but if you have more, give it more. 4GB of RAM should be a good amount, though I gave mine 6GB since I had RAM to spare.

3. Click Next again and choose “Create New Disk”. Create your new disk in VDI format and with dynamically allocated storage. When you’re done, VirtualBox should take you back to the main screen.
4. From here, right-click on your OS X machine in the left sidebar and click Settings. Go to the “System” section and uncheck “Enable EFI”.
5. Click on the Storage section of the settings and click on the CD icon that says “Empty” under Storage Type. Then, click the CD icon next to the “CD/DVD Drive” dropdown, and select “Choose a Virtual CD/DVD Disk File”. Choose the HackBoot 1 ISO and click OK.

Now your machine is ready to boot for the first time. Make sure you have your Mountain Lion ISO ready to go and proceed to the next step.
Step 2: Install OS X in VirtualBox
The next step involves actually installing OS X to your new virtual machine. When you’re ready, start up VirtualBox and follow these instructions:
1. Select your OS X machine in VirtualBox’s left sidebar and click the Start button in the toolbar. It will bring you to the HackBoot boot screen, with one icon in the middle labelled HackBoot.

2. Click on the CD icon at the bottom of the VirtualBox window and select “Choose a Virtual CD/DVD Disk File”. This time, choose your hacked Mountain Lion ISO.
3..Go back to the HackBoot boot screen and press F5. It should reload the boot menu, this time showing you an “OS X Install DVD”. Select this option and press Enter. After a moment, it’ll take you to the OS X Installation screen.
4. After you choose your language and agree to the terms and conditions, you’ll see that OS X doesn’t detect any valid hard drives. To fix this problem, head up to the menu bar and go to Utilities > Disk Utility.
5. Click on your VirtualBox hard drive in the left sidebar, then click the Erase tab in Disk Utility’s main pane. Give your drive a name (like “Macintosh HD”) and click “Erase”.

Your audio won’t work just yet, but we have a few other things we need to do before we restart.
Boot OS X Without HackBoot
In order to boot OS X without the HackBoot CD, we’ll need to delete a problematic kext. You can do this with the following steps:
1. Open up the Finder and select Go > Go to Folder from the menu bar. Type in
file and delete it. This will allow your virtual machine to boot up without the HackBoot ISO.

3. Click on the disc icon at the bottom of VirtualBox’s window and uncheck the HackBoot 2 ISO, since you won’t need it anymore.
Get Higher-Resolution Virtual Machine
Lastly, you may have noticed your VM is running at a pretty low resolution. That’s totally lame, so we’re going to make it run at the same resolution as our monitor with a few tweaks:
Head back to Go > Go to Folder and go to
. Double-click on the
file and add the following to the bottom of the file, above the line:
<key>Graphics Mode</key>
Save the file and close TextEdit. This allows OS X to start up with a higher resolution. Note that you can set whatever resolution you want; just replace
with the resolution you want.
2. If the resolution you picked is bigger than 1280×1024 and/or is widescreen, you’ll need to do one last thing to get it working properly. Shut down your virtual machine and open Windows’ Command Prompt. Type the following commands, hitting enter after each one:
cd “C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox”
vboxmanage setextradata “MyVirtualMachine” “CustomVideoMode1″ “1920x1080x32″
Replace the first line with the path to your VirtualBox program folder. In the second line, replace
with the name of your machine (in our case, “Mac OS X”), and
with the same resolution you added to your Chameleon plist

When you’re done, restart your OS X virtual machine and you should be greeted with a full-res desktop and working audio. You can now continue to install your favourite apps, set up your keyboard and mouse, and do anything else you like. You’ve got a fully working virtual Mac on your Windows desktop!
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